Hello people of the world,
Welcome to my blog! My name is Maybelle Alvarez, but you can call me May. I am from the United States and I will be an exchange student in Switzerland for a whole year. Follow my journey through reading my posts. I will post every Monday, so be sure to check back to see what I'm up to.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Day 145

Hello People of the World,

 Happy May Monday! The first May Monday of 2016. Also the first Monday of 2016 so we aren't off to a bad start! I basically went ghost for a while. I know. I could come up with a million excuses as to why I haven't written. Those excuses don't really matter because either way it just resulted in me not writing for a while. But it's a new year, so my new year's resolution is to not let this blog die. Since so much time has passed, I think I'll just reflect on my time here rather than fill you in on what's happened since October. This is a more serious post, so don't expect gifs or pictures.

So we are almost to the halfway mark. It's crazy how fast time is going by. It seems like just yesterday I was in California talking to my host siblings through What's App. Now if I want to talk to them all I have to do is walk upstairs. Unless I'm tired then I'll still text them through What's App because I don't feel like going upstairs.

I've had many exchange friends leave because they were just semester students. More are leaving soon because they are what we call "oldies". They came here in February and stay until January. Most of these kids are from the Southern Hemisphere, and come here during their summer break which would be our winter break for those in the Northern Hemisphere. Those who come in August are called "Newbies". Then when February when new exchange students come in, the "Newbies" become the "Oldies". And the cycle continues.

So since everyone is leaving this is the usually the part of exchange where you start to miss the country you are in before you even leave. Going out to get some Kebap turns into a "I'm really going to miss this when I go back home". Eating a Swiss chocolate bar turns into "How am I going to live without this when I go back home". It's really easy to get into this mentality.

The way I see it is you can look at it from an optimistic perspective. The whole "glass half full" view. "Yeah I still have 7 months". Or you can be a pessimistic "half glass empty" perspective and just sulk about how you only have 7 months left. Or you can stop sulking, down whatever's in the cup and just make the most of it and appreciate what you just drank.

(I'm not sure if this metaphor makes sense. I'm sorry if it doesn't. This was my attempt to be philosophical)

There are still days I can't believe that I'm living this life. There's days where I'll sit at the table and listen to my host family speak in German, and realize that I can understand everything they're saying, and actually follow the conversation. Sometimes it just hits me like "Wow they're speaking in a totally different language than I was raised on, but I actually understand it." Some days I'lll walk into Englsih class and be so confused as to why my teacher is speaking English. Or in Spanish class I'll be thinking in German trying to gather all the words I need in Spanish. Or other days where I'll call my Brasilien friend and we'll just go out for coffee. It all just feels so unreal honestly.

2015 went by so quickly. I had so many good memories that I will never forget. It was probably the best year of my life. Wait no, it was the best year of my life. It's going to be hard for 2016 to follow it up, but 2016 is a brand new year and has lots of potential.

I'd like to take this moment to thank everyone that has made this year possible. I'd like to thank my wonderful family back in the U.S. My supportive friends in the U.S. My two amazing host families. My lovely Swiss friends. My awesome Exchange friends. The Elita Hawley Scholarship Fund and the Global Leaders Needs-Based Scholarship for making this possible for me. Also just anyone who's stood by me and supported me on this journey. Thank you.

I know this post wasn't all that extravagant, but it works. I just wanted to update you all, and confirm that I'm still alive and healthy. In the upcoming blogs, I will have more pictures and gifs and updates on daily life and all those fun things. I hope you all had a wonderful holidays. It's a new beginning, and I'll try to keep my resolution of keeping this blog up. See you all next Monday.

Until next time,

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