Hello people of the world,
Welcome to my blog! My name is Maybelle Alvarez, but you can call me May. I am from the United States and I will be an exchange student in Switzerland for a whole year. Follow my journey through reading my posts. I will post every Monday, so be sure to check back to see what I'm up to.

Monday, July 6, 2015

First Post

Hello People of the World,

             Happy May Monday!  Well, today has been quite eventful. I went to the dentist today to check up on my teeth to make sure that's all taken care of before my leave to Switzerland. I have a bad tooth that needs to be removed, so that is no bueno. Thankfully, we caught it early enough where my dentist says I will be fully recovered before I leave. I'm going to go get it fixed tomorrow. 

               In happier news, I am going to a concert this week. I am going to go watch One Direction perform on Saturday, so I'm looking forward to that. Okay "looking forward" to it really isn't the best words. I am beyond thrilled to be going. I've been counting down the days. ONLY FIVE DAYS UNTIL I GO.

I basically do a happy dance whenever I am reminded I'm going

              In other news, I'm still working on my German. Just know the basic things as of right now. I probably have the comprehension of a Swiss five year old. I try talking to my host siblings in German through Whatsapp. They are very nice people, and I appreciate their patience with me and my lack of German. I'm very excited to meet them along with my host parents. I'm sure by the time I get there my German will hopefully be slightly better than it is at the moment. I also learned I will be taking German classes before school starts so that makes me feel a little better. 
             Everyday I am in the U.S. is only another day closer to being in Switzerland. Only 37 days until I will officially be in the country of Switzerland. Still have to think of how I'm going to pack,  prepare myself to say goodbye to everyone, and complete my last physical. Don't think it had really fully hit me yet that I'm going. Most of my mind has been thinking of what to write on here. Honestly, anything slightly amusing that happens during my day 
I'm just like 

             I'm apologize for the lack of cool things this week. I just haven't done too many interesting things lately. Surely, next week's blog will be more intriguing. Well I have a a big day tomorrow, so I have to get some rest. Hope you all have a great Monday and enjoy the rest of your week. I'll be back to update for another May Monday. 

Until then.....
Gute Nacht (for non-German speakers reading that means good night)

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