Hello people of the world,
Welcome to my blog! My name is Maybelle Alvarez, but you can call me May. I am from the United States and I will be an exchange student in Switzerland for a whole year. Follow my journey through reading my posts. I will post every Monday, so be sure to check back to see what I'm up to.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Day 152

Hello People of the World,

So I was sitting on my bed, so tired and then I realized. It's Monday. Y'know what that means? Happy May Monday! We are back in business so you know the deal. 


So last week was my first week back at school. School is still hard, but it is getting a tiny bit easier. I'm starting to understand a lot more. I now understand questions the teacher asks, and I try to answer them. I may not always be right, but y'know I'm giving effort. Then there's some subjects like Chemistry or Physics where I don't even fully understand them in English. Just need to take it day by day. Now it's another week of school, and another week and another and another until Ferien in February.


So on Saturday I went to Zürich with my friend Stephanie. We went out there to go check out this store called Brandy Melville. I bought this really cute shirt there. Then we went walking around some more Zürich is such a pretty city. I was so proud because I bought a really cute leather jacket for 20 Francs. This is an absolute steal because all the leather jackets I've seen are usually like 60 francs or something outrageous like that. Then we went to get some coffee at Starbucks. Overall it was a very fun day.

Family Party:

Sunday I had a family party. It was pretty fun. It was my host cousin's 15th birthday party. We had good food. We played a game where we had to guess movie titles with emojis. Luckily with the help of my movie knowledge from Netflix I was fairly good at this game. Then we had a cake, and dark and white chocolate mousse. White Toblerone chocolate mousse is so good. I absolutely love it. If you ever get the chance to I advise you all to try it. It's just plain wonderful.


So as you all know it is January. Also the time known for Resolutions that get broken within the first week. I wanted to be good this year and be more active in the gym. Since at the beginning of the year I was still healing my broken foot, I couldn't really start a Resolution. But now I'm all healed and all cleared so the resolution is under way. Yay for resolutions! In reality it's pretty annoying, but y'know it keeps me busy and it makes me feel good so yay for self confidence! Maybe if I do it enough I'll start seeing results. Or I'lll just end up looking like this 

What's coming up next?

So I know this isn't the most thrilling post ever. I'm still getting into the hang of things. Plus my camera is acting up, so that explains the lack of pictures. Anyways let's talk about the up coming things.

Changing host families:

So at the end of January I shall be changing host families. No there were no problems whatsoever with my first host family. This was settled before they even chose to have me. I live with my first host family the first 5 months and then with my second host family has me the other 6 months. The only reason I'm telling you all this is because you may see a change of the people in my pictures, so I just wanted to explain beforehand. My first family were very good to me and I can't thank them enough for welcoming me into their family, and my second family seem like very nice people, and I'm excited to get to know them  

Ski trip:

So in February we have this two week break in February, so people can go skiing. I know awesome right? Anyways I shall be going skiing with my second host family in the Italian part of Switzerland. I'm really looking forward to it because I haven't gone skiing in such a long time, and to go skiing in Switzerland in all places is just unreal. I wanted to go skiing during Christmas break, but due to my broken foot and lack of snow, I didn't go. But now I'm all recovered, and  the snow should be here by February, so I'm ready!

There's a couple of other things lined up for the future, but I'd rather wait until they come up so I have something to write about in the future. I think I'm going to wrap things up here. So I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Until next time, 

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